In the winter in the Chugach, the Wrangells, and the Alaska Ranges, you have to be patient. You are surrounded at all times by the most breath-taking mountains, zones that skiers long for in their wildest dreams. But it all has to wait. For the conditions to settle, the avalanche risk to diminish, the storm cycles to become reasonable, the partners to line up - and then, when it all finally falls into place, the backcountry provides. The Skier Sunburst is a tribute to the days when the powder sparkles, the turns are deep and fluid, the laughter is enough to bust your lungs (okay, so is the skin-track up the mountain), and the sun may just burst from the back of that craggy peak to offer up true mountain magic.
Sticker Description: These sticklers are waterproof, UV resistant, durable matte, and fantastic for sticking on your adventure gear!